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Solutions for Success
Delivering Broadband Asset Acquisition & Divestiture Opportunities

Since inception, Paradigm has closed over half a billion dollars worth of transactions through its M&A management. The PBG team will review your overall corporate objectives and the existing plans you have to achieve those goals. A high-level review of the organization and operation is discussed. Alternative strategies are often explored.. Your broker will conduct exploratory research to obtain background information on the market in question, identify potential buyers/sellers and determine the scope of work required to successfully transact the subscriber portfolio. A “mobilization” strategy is developed.
You and your broker execute a memorandum of understanding that spells out the responsibilities of both parties. Together, you fine tune a clear strategy and target dates. Elements that may need to be considered include property owner agreements, shareholder arrangements, company subsidiaries, joint ventures & alliances, capital requirements, debt liquidation requirements, and so on.

For Sellers: To market a broadband portfolio successfully, your legal, accounting, brokering and internal management teams would work with Paradigm to assemble a package of documents that can include an executive summary, financials, corporate and organization charts, portfolio maps, and a compilation of existing contracts.
For Buyers: To secure subscriber assets successfully, your legal, accounting, brokering and internal management teams work together to assess targeted portfolios, funding strategies, financial models, operational and transitional strategies to assume the broadband asset.
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